About Indeed

Indeed is the #1 job site in the world1 and a global job matching and hiring platform. More people get hired on Indeed than any other site because we put job seekers first, giving them access to search for jobs, post resumes,  research companies and more. With  AI-powered technology, Indeed is transforming job matching and hiring. Every day, we connect millions of people to new opportunities.

Please note that Indeed and its affiliates are directly or indirectly owned by a publicly traded Japanese parent company, Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.

  • 580M Job Seeker Profiles2
  • 3.5M+ Employers use Indeed to hire
  • 60+ Countries

Our people

At Indeed, our mission is to help people get jobs. We have ~11,000 global employees passionately pursuing this purpose and improving the recruitment journey through real stories and data. We foster a collaborative workplace that strives to create the best experience for job seekers.

Image of two women, both wearing blue shirts that say "I help people get jobs".

Our Leadership

Indeed’s leadership team is diverse, dedicated, and committed to empowering our employees to fulfill our mission. By fostering strong partnerships and collaboration, they serve and support job seekers, employers, society, and our employees.

Meet our team

Our commitments

We are committed to making a positive impact on society by connecting people to better work to create better lives. With the power of our platform and our people, and in partnership with organizations that share our values, we aim to bring about a future of work that is equitable and inclusive.

Learn more

1 Comscore, Total Visits, March 2024
2 Indeed data (worldwide), job seeker accounts that have a unique, verified email address.